Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Road Thus Far...

Hello World,
You're going to have to tap on the link to watch (yes I said watch) my latest update.  This also happens to be the surprise I mentioned in my last post.  I hope you all enjoy my newest and most fun Haiti update yet. 

The Road Thus Far...



  1. Awesome Video Shane!! Loved it but teared up seeing all those kids/babies with no mom or dad. Breaks my heart but glad people like you get to be in their lives. Do you guys need donations such as bouncer saucer thing,an infant carrier bouncer,or infant girl clothes?? I could send if needed if not no worries:) Take care and God bless you!!!
    -Jacquelynn Clark

  2. AWESOME Video Shaner!!!

    It helps to see where you are, what its like and to have better idea of what you're doing. This is one time I'm actually thankful for technology.

    Keep seeking, strumming and smiling for Jesus. With much love and hugs,
