Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hunting For Jesus

So if any of you are from Wisconsin then you will know that last week was a very important week in the life of us Cheese Heads.  I’m not talking about Thanksgiving and the gluttonous amount of food that we eat.  And I’m not talking about the three Packers games that were played since the 17th.   What I’m talking about is the nine day long season that has most Wisconsinites pressing pause on life.  Well if you haven’t figured out what I am talking about then I’ll just tell you.  What I’m talking about is Whitetail deer hunting.  Yep! These wild creatures have many men and woman in Wisconsin(myself included) running to the woods for nine days to spend countless hours sitting, just waiting for the chance to shoot this animal.  My reasoning is for the adrenaline rush that comes from the hunt.  Others have their reasons too.  Some hunt for food, for sport, or just for the pure joy of spending time in the woods.  Whatever it is that attracts us to this sport it has control on a lot of people’s lives for a week.  Good honest people that hate getting up before 5AM are forced into rising before the sun is up to go sit out in the cold of November to wait for hours on end just to shoot an animal.  Yeah, it’s crazy :p  

 So in my many hours of pondering while I was out in the woods last week I had a thought: what if we put the passion that we do into hunting for deer into hunting for Jesus?  I think God gave me this thought and once it popped into my mind I too was like, ‘’Wow!’’  It’s a valid question.  So much time, energy, and money is invested into hunting and nine days of people’s lives go on hold while they’re hunting for deer.  What if we took out nine days of our lives to go hunting for Jesus?  I think the end result would be life changing.  There’s nothing wrong with hunting at all.  I was just thinking how the world could be impacted if our zeal for hunting would be changed into zeal for Christ. 

This is going to be a short post, but this is the thought I had.  I’m not here to convict anyone or say you shouldn’t hunt.  I was just given the thought and the challenge that I should be investing my energy as a soldier of the Cross into hunting for Jesus.