Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Life with God is an adventure

I was talking with a friend tonight and I was sharing with her how I am so unsettled and just plain old bored with Northwestern Wisconsin.  I told her I am ready and wanting to go do great things for God but am just fed up with the same old routine each day here.  She then said, “Try and make each day here an adventure with God.’’ That comment got me thinking…and hence this blog post.

Life with God is an adventure wherever we go.  I tend to think (and I think a lot of people do to) that in order to minister to someone or to go on a missions trip or to even live an awesome life for God that we need to go to Africa, India, Bangkok, The Red-light District in Amsterdam, or somewhere else outside of this country.  Well that is a lie!  Yes it may be true that a lot of these places are Jesus deprived and we here in America can have all of Him we want, but that doesn’t mean we need to go to these places to necessarily have an adventure and change lives for Him.  

I love adventure and I would love to travel the world but God has me in little old Frederic Wisconsin. (whoopdeedo)  However, one of things He is doing here in this little farm town in Wisconsin is giving me about four days a week where I have nothing going on.  Not many people in our world today have this much free time in their life.  I do!!!  God has given me plenty of ‘’freedom’’ to do what I want.  This time is a grand time to be spending with Him and growing in His word.  But I have been too ‘’busy’’ wanting to go elsewhere and do things for God overseas…where what God really wants from me is just myself.  I have been given an opportunity most people don’t get to give God everything and to really seek Him in these days I am home. 

If you read in the New Testament, the disciples spent three years in the presence of Jesus.  In this time they were growing deeper in their faith in God.  After the three years of preparation with the King of kings the disciples began their ‘’adventures’’.  Each man had a ministry of his own and did wonderful, fantastic, awing things for God…and eventually almost all of them were martyred.  Wow!!! But each one of these twelve men spent three years in preparation with their Lord.  

I think one of the things God is trying to teach me here in these seemingly boring days in Wisconsin is that every day with Him is an adventure all of its own and that anytime I spend with Him, whether in my living room or on the mountain tops in the Appalachian mountains, is a day of growth, preparation/teaching, and all around awesomeness with the King of the universe… and that my friends is never boring.  God’s presence is anything but boring.  His presence is more than we can ever imagine or dream about.  It brings us to our knees. It makes us want to cry, laugh, dance, praise, shout, sing, worship our Creator, and scream for joy. 
So, if you are like me and just feel fed up with the same old daily schedule and routine I would challenge you, as my wonderful sister in Christ did with me, to view everyday you get to spend with God as an adventure all of its own. Even if you are in your living room with just your Bible, God will fulfill all your expectations for adventure.  Cherish the time you get to spend with Him, because our daily lives and schedules have a tendency to get in the way of spending time with the most important individual in our life.

In James chapter one at the end of verse four it states, ‘’…lacking in nothing.”  Nothing means…nothing.  So God promises that we will not be left in want for anything.  For me, that includes adventure and travel.

 So, pursue God and view every day as a grand adventure with the King of the universe and I promise you that you will never want for anything. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Hello Friends

Hello Friends,
I did it!!! I finally created a blog :)  Now some of you might be wondering where I got the title for my blog so, I will put your mind at ease.  When I was at Ellerslie this last fall(2011) during the graduation ceremony the staff gave each man a title they thought we were liken unto.  The name I was given was, The Surrendered Vanguard.  

The Vanguard is the front lines of an army.  Surrendered means: yielded to or given over to the will of someone or something else.  So consequently, the surrendered vanguard is the front line of troops who are ready and willing to give their life for the cause for which they fight.  My aim in this life is to be that yielded soldier on the front lines for Jesus.

I love Jesus and my goal in life is to honor Him in all I do.  All I want to do with my life is what He wants me to do.  One of the things Jesus has placed within me is the love for writing.  This is one of the reasons I started this blog.

Along with writing, I also love adventure and travel.  I have no doubt that I will be living an adventurous, journey-filled life while serving my King. So, another reason I created this blog is to keep all my friends and family updated on where God will take me in this life.

God is great and I am so thankful for His grace and saving power.  I accepted the Lord into my heart on October 13, 2011 and since then my life has been forever changed.  The last reason I have started this blog is to share and encourage my brothers and sisters in the Lord with the things He is teaching me.  

So thanks for checking out my new blog and I will do my best at keeping you updated on what my Lord, Jesus Christ, does with my life.  Until next time my friends...peace :)