Friday, July 5, 2013

Things I've Realized While Living in Haiti

1.       Unless you know your stomach can handle the squash, pig, gooey stuff, than stay away from it.
2.       If you do not replenish yourself with Jesus you will easily be burnt out
3.       Cockroaches are harmless…but REALLY nasty.
4.       Centipedes are just REALLY gross and REALLY harmful.
5.       It’s hot
6.       If a bug falls into your water (or other beverage) don’t dump the whole cup out…just take the bug out and keep drinking.  Otherwise, you’ll just end up going through all of your water.  Bugs in your drink are a common occurrence.
7.        Mopping is a necessity and is done multiple times a day, but rarely is our floor ever clean due to the dozens of dirty feet that walk through our house.  But I guess it’s better than those who sweep their dirt floor :p
8.       One gallon of kerosene can power five lanterns for a long time.
9.       Ice is a rare and beloved thing.
10.   Sometimes deodorant seems like a pointless battle, but let me tell you that if you don’t wear it, the battle is already lost…dramatically.
11.    Ants SUCK!!!
12.   If you leave out a coffee cup with a little bit of coffee and sugar it works good as an ant attractant/killer.
13.   Cockroaches like hiding in piles of avocadoes.
14.   It is possible to go more than a day without showering ;) …I wouldn’t advise it though living in an all-the-time-sunny-and-hot place.
15.   Apparently without mosquitos there wouldn’t be any chocolate because along with sucking my blood they also pollinate flowers…and somehow (I was told, I just don’t remember the specifics) they’re the ones responsible for all of our chocolate.
16.   Skype is a beautiful things =)
17.   If you want privacy while showering at the public showers then don’t go there.  There’s a reason why they call them public…come to think of it, if you want privacy at all than don’t move here to Haiti :p  Luckily I’m a single guy who doesn’t need much privacy…just a little every once in a while.
18.   People will try and steal your money if it’s visible.
19.   I like motorcycles and tap taps.
20.   I can’t dance and it seems that a lot of Haitians can…I wish I could.
21.   Kids have a lot of energy.
22.   Turns out that if your hair is any longer than a buzz cut (which most Haitian guys have) the kids think you’re a girl (not literally).
23.   I have started to enjoy vegetables…quite a lot actually J
24.   Cats are messy little creatures.
25.   The most random things that I would never eat at home are desired a tremendous amount here in Haiti…just because of the fact that we can’t get them here.  E.I.  Fruit rollups. 
26.   If you are putting your faith in a generator to give you your daily power, than you may be disappointed at times…or like us, seemingly every week.
27.   I wouldn’t be surviving here without the prayer of all of y’all (So southern sounding) back at home.


  1. I totally understand! Aaaah it brings back so many memories. Number 11 made me smile. Number 24 made me wonder what the little kitties have done! And number 7--great perspective shifter about the dirt floor!

  2. Well...we found out that both of the cats are male cats and because of that they had been peeing all over to mark their yeah :)

  3. Way to give me perspective...

    ...#26 made me think of 1 Peter2:6b which says, "He who looks to Jesus will never be disappointed"...thanks for the reminder to keep my eyes on HIM!

    Miss you,
