Sunday, April 21, 2013

No Generator...again!

So another generator-less week visited us here in Haiti last week…and at the current time of writing this post, we still remain without a generator.  So, I was given the opportunity over the last seven days or so, with no running water, to get very well acquainted with our ever seemingly so deep well as I have drawn at least fifty gallons of water a day…if not more.   

This week started for me with a day working at another ministry (this was on my day off) helping to take down old solar panels so they could put new ones up.  It was fun…and really hot as the sun beat down upon us from our nice and extremely open hot spot on the roof of the house.  I got to enjoy two free, very filling, and amazing meals for my work there.  Plus I had the opportunity to make some new friends and more contacts here in Haiti.

I had a few new joys this week as (number 1.) I bought a bicycle.  I figured why not buy one?  They’re a great way to get around: there’s no cost for gas and it’s a great work out too.  Win, win, win!!!  Everyone needs a bike!!! Lol Also, every once in a great while you find something here (usually at one specific store) that you didn’t know they sold and are ecstatic to find.  Well, one of those finds visited me (actually) a couple weeks ago.  But I haven’t gotten to blog about until now… I found, or one of my fellow missionaries found for me, wait…wait a little more…AND…MONSTER (energy drink)!!!  I know all the guys out there are like, “Yes!!! Shane’s life is now complete living in Haiti.” And well, you may be right:) lol  As I’ve said before, little things here in Haiti mean the world.  It’s surprising how when you’ve been living without ice (or anything little like that) for three months, how special of a treat it truly is. 

And that brings me to the next point; I’ve been in Haiti almost three months now!  It’s crazy how fast the time has gone living here.  These are some things I’ve, or God, has help me accomplish in these last few months: I’ve gotten Creole down such to where I can go to the market and get my own food, have little conversations here and there, and get the gist of conversations.  God’s been faithful to give me ideas for teaching the kids.  I’ve made lots of friends, both young and old.  I have a personal moto chauffeur for whenever I need a ride :) And I’ve grown in my faith as I’ve seen God provide for me and show himself faithful.  This has been a great few months and I definitely look forward to the next nine or so months I have left…that’s if I don’t end up staying longer.              

I just want to say thank you to you all once again.  I can’t tell you enough how much having all of you supporting me means to me.  Keep praying!!!  I feel it...and it’s needed. 

Orevwa to you all…  =)


  1.'re getting your workouts in! and I'm not talkin' about the bike...talkin' about the 50 gallons of water per day. I must say, you're reminding me not to take running water for granted.

    So blessed to hear of your faith journey and to be a witness to the Lord's provision for His call upon your life, during this time.

    Miss you.
    Much love,

  2. It's so fun to hear from you! We'll have to hear you say something in creole next time we skype. and it's encouraging to read you list of how God has been faithful. I love you. and miss you. that's all. :P
