We listened to a sermon by David Wilkerson (the link is at the bottom) called, A Call to Anguish. The message, to say the least, was convicting to the core. Christians in our world today, me included, say they care. We all feel for the orphaned and the widowed and would love to help…if it’s convenient for us or makes us look good. When in reality, we should desire to help these hurting people because God has given us His heart and that’s what He burdens for. This in essence was the lesson God was and still is teaching me. How can I say I care or even really say I’m a Christian if I can listen and hear about the hurting millions around the world and go right back into my day to day tasks and plans and not even give one more thought to them? How can I spend countless hours wasting time watching the latest TV show or playing the latest game I got on my iPhone? I can’t, not if this is something I truly care and am burdened for. And this isn’t something that I can desire to burden for on my own. Something I’ve learned is that I may have my own plans for my life such as going into Brazil and rescuing little children off the streets where they’re being hunted just for fun, but if it isn’t God’s plan for me, then all I’m doing is just another humanitarian act of goodness. Yes, as Christians we should want to do that and yes for some of us that may be our calling, but my point in all of this isn’t just to come up with what we want, but to pray that God would show us what HE wants. Once we find out God’s plan for our life then move on that, then and only then will we be blessed and we’ll help make changes for eternity.
This all is what I’ve been convicted on. I spend (or used to spend) lots of my time at night watching TV shows on Netflix. God convicted me on how I use my time. If I care, which I do, then I need to make changes that match my talk with my walk. Instead of focusing on the show, if I choose to spend that time on prayer or reading, how much impact will I have on the world? That answer is kind of hard to answer, for we will never know the full impact we’ve had on people until we reach Heaven. But this brings me to the second part.
While I was in Colorado, I listened to a message called, “Preparing For The Battle”. In that message, Eric Ludy was talking about how the home is the training grounds for the mission field. He said, “If you aren’t preparing yourself at home, if you aren’t serving and helping with the needs of your family and community, then you won’t be ready when you’re overseas doing supposed mission work.” I was challenged by that. So often I hear a message and automatically want to fly over to Africa and help feed the starving children. I never really have looked at my home as a place for preparation. I keep thinking if I go out of the country I’m going to have a great adventure and I will be doing God’s will when the facts are He may just want me at home. My mission field may be the lonely man down the street. My life may be complete when I help lead just one straying sheep back to the shepherd. And you know what, if that’s all I do in this life, well then praise God!!! Something I’ve been truly praying for is that God’s heart would be mine...that I would truly rejoice for that which He rejoices in and weep for that which He weeps.
Our home is boot camp. It’s a place we can “train” and prepare for the coming battle which is for sure to come. I’m the kind of person that would love to be out of my house( I love my home and family, so don’t take this wrong) and would love to be on the other side of the world serving God. This may happen, but until then, I need to take this time He has given me at home and make myself ready to go, so when that day comes I AM ready and not just thinking I am.
So my encouragement to you all who are reading this is live in today.(Matthew 6:34) Don’t be preoccupied with all the details of figuring out what you THINK God is calling you to do and focus on seeking Him and getting to know more of our Savior and as a result of that He WILL show you where you are supposed to go and what you’re supposed to do. (Proverbs 3:5-6)